NORA Discography
3rd Solo Album(Japan only)
NORA "Cielo~空へ~"
2001.6/20 発売
2nd Solo Album(World)
1999 On Sale
(RMM Records)
2nd Solo Album(Japan)
1st Solo Album(World)
1996 On Sale
(SONY Discos)
1st Solo Album(Japan)

NORA Biography
1990 年デビューアルバムが全米ラテンチャートで11 週連続 1 位を記録するなどその活動は世界に認められ、国連平和賞、米国グラミー賞ノミネート、日本レコード大賞特別賞、文化庁芸術選奨文部大臣新人賞、他数々の賞を受賞。93年紅白歌合戦出場。
96年ソロ活動スタート。2012年、ソロシンガーとしてサルサ界のオールスターバンド 「SALSA GIANTS」に参加。ワールドツアーを行い、13 年ラテングラミー 「Best Salsa Album」を受賞。16 年、南米コロンビアにて、インターナショナルサルサ賞を受賞。
22年、4枚目のソロアルバム「¡Salud a la vida!〜人生に乾杯!〜」をリリースし、Euro Production の Asia & Europa チャートで 1 位を獲得。
23年、6月マイアミ、9月ペルーにてグラミー受賞のプロデューサーTony Succar のコンサートに参加。Tony のプロデュースにて参加したアルバムが、24年グラミー賞にノミネート された。
24年5月、オルケスタ・デ・ラ・ルス結成 40周年記念アルバム”MASCALIENTE”をリリース。iTunes Store でパナマ、ロシア、ケニア、日本のラテンチャート1位を獲得。
25年2 月、ゲスト参加(5曲)した Tony Succar プロデュースのライブアルバムがグラミー賞ラテントロピカルアルバムを受賞。Instagram フォロワーは約 20万人。
現在、ソロとして各地イベン ト出演。オルケスタ・デ・ラ・ルスでは毎年定期的にビルボードライブツアー、各地ジャズフェスティバルやイベント出演、学校公演などを行って「日本ラテン化計画」を推進している。様々なジャンルのアーティストとのコラボレーション、そしてレディースバ ンド「LAS OCEANAS」の活動、作詞作曲も精力的に行っている。
NORA Biography in English
Singer, Songwriter
Date of birth : October 28 1961
Birthplace : Nakano-ku, Tokyo
Final school career : Nihon University art of college
Masterpiece : Salsa Caliente Del Japón , Salsa no tiene frontera , Salsa con sabor, etc...
Favorite language : English, Spanish, of course Japanese
Principle : Life is rehearsal until age 60
The most impressive experience : The concert at the Madison Square Garden , Received the United Nations Peace Medal , Nominated for the Grammy Awards
NORA is a talented artist who began her career as the lead singer of the Japanese Salsa band “Orquesta De La Luz”.
As a child NORA was always intrigued and enamored with performing. At the age of three she had hopes of becoming a professional dancer when she was taking ballet lessons. In her senior year in high school, she became inspired to sing professionally at a school festival where she was the lead vocalist in an amateur Rock band. NORA developed an interest in Black Contemporary music and idolized Stevie Wonder, but when she began college she became enthralled with Salsa music.
Her interest in Salsa led to the creation of the Japanese Salsa band “Orquesta De La Luz” in 1984 accompanied by her friends. The group revealed their sounds to the United States when she brought a demo tape to New York in 1987 and they began touring in 1989.
In 1990 the orchestra released its first album “De La Luz” on BMG Victor Records in Japan. The success of the album also happened overseas when this album was released in the United States under the name “Salsa Caliente Del Japón”. The album became number one on Billboard's Latin chart for 11 consecutive weeks and the group became one of the most prominent Japanese orchestras to ever play Tropical music earning international critical acclaim in Japan and the United States.
In 1991 and 1993, they won the "Special Prize" Award by the 33rd Japan Record Awards.
For two consecutive years they won "The Best Album of the Year" Award by La Association de Cronistas de Espectaculos de Nueva York (ACE Awards) in 1991 and 1992. They also won "The Best Band of the Year "ACE Award in 1992.
In 1993, the United Nations awarded them the "Peace Medal" and in 1995 they were nominated for the Grammy Awards in the category of "Best Tropical Latin Album."
Orquesta De La Luz also received "The Best New Artists" Award by the Japanese minister of Education in the category of Popular Entertainment.
The group recorded seven albums, worldwide and toured for each album in North America, South America, and in Europe. After touring and recording for 13 years, Orquesta De La Luz has broke up in 1997 in order to do solo activity of each member.
In 1996, NORA released her first solo album “Electric Lady” on BMG/Japan in Japan and on Sony Records in the United States.
In 1997, She was invited as special guest by the "Master of Salsa" Larry Harlow and his All-Stars to lead the group at the Blue Note Tokyo.
Her first solo performance in Asia was held in Seoul, Korea in October 1998.
In 1999, Her vocal talents and devotion to Tropical music reaffirms her artistic ability in her second solo album “Tratame Como Soy” on RMM in the United States and “Cuban Colors” on Universal victor in Japan. This production offers a diverse range of Latin sounds from Salsa and Mambo to Boleros, which NORA produced and recorded in Havana, Cuba. This album reemphasizes her superb vocal range proving that she is one of Tropical music's leading singers. She expanded her artistic responsibilities in this production. And in September, She performed in New York Salsa Festival at the Madison Square Garden as a soloist.
In April 2001, NORA became mother of the boy who has Spanish name “Leon”. After the childbirth, She released her third album “CIELO” on Village Records only in Japan. This album is including a few Japanese Pop songs with Salsa style arrangement.
In the wake of September 11th in New York, NORA organized “World Peace Music Festival” with the members of Orquesta De La Luz at Tokyo in 2002, 2003, 2004.
After these charity concerts, Orquesta De La Luz was reunited and restarted earnestly.
In 2004, the orquestra released the album “iiiBANZAAAY!!!” and In 2005, they released “ARCO IRIS” from AVEX IO.
They did the concert tour in Japan and they toured Europe (Italy, France, Holland) in 2005 and toured Caribbean Islands ( French Guyana, Martinique, Guadalupe) in 2006.
In 2007, they released “LET'S SALSA!! The Best Salsa Dance Collection” from BMG JAPAN. They have appeared on many TV programs.
In 2008, they released “iCALIENTE!” from Bookridge Records and they did Japan tour.
In 2009, to commemorate the 25th Anniversary of ORQUESTA DE LA LUZ, they released their first collaboration album “SALSA COMEDOR” with Japanese Pop Artists and also released their original album “EL RON VIEJO”.
In 2010, they released their best album “VERY BEST OF ORQUESTA DE LA LUZ” and they toured major cities in Japan.
In 2011, 2012, they toured major cities and appeared in many festivals in Japan.
In August 2012, NORA was invited from Sergio George who is the top producer of Salsa as the guest singer of “Sergio George Salsa Friends” for “North Sea Jazz Festival in Curacao”. She charmed the audience standing on the same stage with the top Salsa singers as Marc Anthony and Oscar D’ Leon etc…).
In November 11th 2012, She was invited for the 50th anniversary concert of EL GRAN COMBO DE PUERTO RICO as a guest singer. The audience in San Juan Puerto Rico was so exited about her performance.
In 2012, NORA joined the salsa all-star band “SALSA GIANTS”. Performed a world tour and won the Latin Grammy “Best Salsa Album” in 2013. ’
In 2014, NORA participated in the award ceremony for the prestigious Latin award "Premio lo nuestro" and performed as a member of SALSA GIANTS.
And she appeared in "Bronx Salsa Concert" in New York ('14 & '15 for two consecutive years).
In October 2014, the 30th anniversary concert of Orquesta de la Luz was held in Tokyo. '
In 2015, NORA was appointed as a supporter of JICA “Someone Must Do! Project” and visited Cuba and Nicaragua.
In 2016, NORA received the “PREMIOS LUNA” award at Barranquilla, Colombia.
In 2017, Latin Soul Band “LAS OCEANAS” was formed by NORA and the Japanese professional female musicians and they released their 1st album “OCEANATION”.
In July 2018, the first book of NORA ’s story “Life is rehearsal until age 60” was released and became a hot topic.
NORA was invited as a guest singer for “TIEMPO LATINO FESTIVAL 2018” in France.
In July 2019, Orquesta de la Luz new album “GRACIAS SALSEROS” was released to commemorate their 35th anniversary.
The rehearsal video of the Orquesta de la Luz live streamed on Facebook in March has spread explosively and has now reached about 9 million views and has become a hot topic in Latin America.
Performed at Asuka II Cruise for the first time in 3 years in November 2020.
In October 2021, a commemorative live concert was held at Billboard Live Tokyo with Masayoshi Yamazaki and others as guests to celebrate NORA’s life (60th birthday).
In 2022, NORA is producing a solo album for the first time in about 20 years.
In recent years, NORA regularly appears in Ginza SWING as a solo artist. Orquesta de la Luz has been doing Billboard live tour, Jazz festivals, school performances for children, collaborations with artists of various genres, not just Salsa. And NORA has been doing energetically performing solo activities and songwriting.
And now, NORA is known as “Latin Diva” in Japan. NORA has captivated fans worldwide for over thirty years when she is part of Orquesta De La Luz and will continue to attract them as a soloist with her resilient vocal style to Tropical music.